Day 123 – I’m Baaaaack

A little voice belonging to this blog has been calling to me softly for at least a couple of weeks now (and I can hear it loud and clear).  In my last post two months ago to the day, I was at the end of my rope with hearing loss in my left ear and faced with the possibility of never getting it back.  I felt I had to shut down everything around me besides motherly duties in order to focus my energy on the viral infection that had apparently taken hold of my inner ear and wasn’t eager to let go.

I am extremely happy to report that my hearing is back.  Completely.  Even the nose and throat specialist was surprised at my recovery.  I took the steroids she prescribed (not easy for me since I shy away from medicines other than naturopath-prescribed options when possible), visited the steam sauna at my gym three or four times a week, went for chiropractic adjustments to my ears and sinuses twice a week and ramped up on green juices and alkaline eating.  I also kept thinking positively.  I felt fearful but never let myself believe that my hearing was permanently gone.  Thankfully,  my body reacted to one or all of the above and now I hear my kids loud and clear again (and I am truly grateful even when the sounds are not as pleasant as I would like).

I never really wanted to stop this blog because it was giving me so much pleasure and the responses I had from readers were encouraging and made me feel like my sharing was having a positive impact.  I’ve decided there is no reason to leave that behind now that my health is in order.  I have mulled over the idea of allowing myself to skip posting some days based on how busy life can get and may do that as I pick up again.

I can’t wait to share with you some of the daily self kindness activities I’ve been engaged with, including brewing my own kombucha for the first time (If you don’t know what that is, stay tuned because I will be writing about it shortly or for eager minds check out the Wikipedia description), road tripping to my prairie roots in Saskatchewan with the kids, cleansing for 10 days and creating an online meditation course.  I’m so happy to be back at and with you all again.




Day 120 – Easy Does It

Self care naturally flowed my way today at a relaxed and satisfying pace.  Love these days.

For a good chunk of the morning I admired wedding photos from the day my parents tied the knot 47 years ago.  To heck with my to do list.  It was their anniversary!  I then pulled on my running shoes and went for a 10km walk in the balmy 17C blue sky weather here and enjoyed a continuous palette of pink and white blossoms adorning trees along the way, their floral scent greeting me around every corner.

I rounded out my afternoon with a green smoothie before the kiddos arrived home from school.  I also laid the groundwork to start a cleanse later this week.  My chiropractor is from Japan and he suggested it to me today when I went in for another ear and sinus adjustment (still painful).

It is spring and I am up for doing anything that will reset my immune system after this infection.  I plan to start Thursday after my appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist on Wednesday.  I hope to be done with medicine at this point.


Day 110 – Chicken Broth and Chiropractor

I wish I had big news to share regarding my ear and cough but everything stayed status quo today.  The jeans yesterday helped my mood but not this darn infection.

My self care involved cancelling my volunteer time at both of the kids’ schools, then making a big pot of chicken soup.  I bought a fresh organic chicken, carrots, celery, onion and garlic and cooked them all together on the stove with a little seasoning for the afternoon.  For someone who was a vegetarian for over 10 years and still only eats white meat and fish periodically, all I want when I am sick is homemade broth and today I made that happen.  I drank almost half of it too.

My friend also texted me that she went to a chiropractor for her ear congestion and he made adjustments that allowed it to drain, immediately.  That was all I needed to hear to call his office and was able to get in at 3:30pm.  As a new patient, I had to go through the whole intake and initial exam which I’ve done at another chiropractor but felt like going to the one my friend recommended since she had success.  Poor Emelia was with me for the two hours the process ended up taking.

After checking my alignment, he told me it looked like I have whiplash which threw me.  I don’t know what I’ve done to put my neck in a position that he said should cause me discomfort and headaches which I don’t have.  Maybe jumping on the trampoline with the kids…or falling down on a running trail when my ankle turns over?  Oh well, he did adjust my ear which was not what I expected.  I envisioned an adjustment of the neck close to the ear but he actually pulled on the lower, thick part of my lobe three or four times.  He would rub then give a quick, hard tug.  On the third time, I heard a click and now my ear feels warm in a soothing way though hasn’t cleared.  I am heading back tomorrow too.

I’m kind of a bad patient for the doctor though.  I almost didn’t take my antibiotics today as my ear is now ringing which is nasty on top of the congestion and tinnitus is a potential side effect (my worrier side kicking in I know but a stuffed ear with ringing does do things to one’s head 🙂  I don’t feel like I need the ear drops or the Mucinex as there is no pain and my nasal passages are clear.  The inhaler has helped with the dry chest cough some so I used a couple of times.  By 5:30pm today I gave in and took today’s does of the antibiotics and have two more days to go.

Yikes, all this medical talk.  I want to go buy myself some flowers instead tomorrow which I might just do since it’s my birthday!  My only wish besides love of family and friends?  A drained ear!
