Laugh a Little More – Session 7

Want to improve your mood, health and sleep? Try laughing more. Spiritual leaders and scientists agree, laughing lowers stress levels, boosts the immune system and leads to deep relaxation similar to meditation. In this twelve minute session, Michelle Mikkelsen shares some tips on laughing more as well as the research to get you started on your merry way.

Click to listen to Session 7 – Laugh a Little More

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Mindful Eating – Session 2 Now Available

Join me in my second session on Mindful Eating by listening to the recording on Sound Cloud.

This is a purely informative session without a meditation.  If you are curious to learn more about 10 habits for being a more mindful eater, or diving into the complex issue of which fats are healthy and which fats to avoid in our diets and why, this will be time well spent.  You can listen in your car while you are driving or after the kids are in bed. I then end with an overview of the Top 12 Most and Least Contaminated Foods in your supermarket so you can make informed choices on your next shopping trip.

I hope you tune in and enjoy 🙂



Mindful Eating – Session 1 Now Available

Tune into what you eat and how it impacts you physically and emotionally with this latest session in my Everyday Self Kindness Series.

Click here to listen to Mindful Eating – Session 1.

I provide an overview of Mindful Eating then guide you through how to keep a food diary, starting with a Mindful Breakfast Journal, then move into a Mindful Eating Meditation where you slow down the eating process to explore your food stage by stage and connect again with the eating process and your amazing body.




Day 136 – The Buzz Left by Summer Guests

I just had five days straight of self care bliss and the cause may seem counterintuitive.  Was I on a retreat? No.  Were my kids away so I had freedom?  No.  Was I gifted money to shop excessively on summer clothes?  No.

My best friend from high school (yep, that makes us friends for 28 years) came to stay with her husband and three kids.  Hosting guests can sometimes be draining and exhausting but this experience was anything but.  As I said when they left, my bucket is full and I’m extremely grateful you chose to spend some of your summer vacation with us.  They flew in from Calgary and nestled into our guest room.  I helped them play tourist in the Seattle area a little, but for the most part we hung out around our home and in the immediate area at the beach or trampoline place where the kids were happiest. I miss the kind of conversation I have with my friend.  It’s so easy, so comfortable and so supportive.  We went for a walk one evening and she even made it to my morning boot camp and survived.

Life is too short to not have these kinds of visits with the people you hold dearest.  Nothing can replace the feeling of being around close, loving community.  Not a retreat, not a break from the kids and not money for shopping.  The past week was one of the best weeks of summer I’ve had as an adult.  Thank you again for coming our way is all I can say, and don’t hesitate to come again.

As for the rest of my cherished community, the door is open.  Call me.