Day 105 – Bootcamp, Sudafed and Spring Flowers

I didn’t care if I was still hacking this morning.  I went to bootcamp and loved it.  My energy is high otherwise I would have stayed home to rest but my body wanted the workout and so I followed suit.  My nasty cough slowed me down a little and that’s okay.  The days are getting lighter and warmer which means 7am bootcamp on a Saturday is easier to stomach minus the rain and dark.

I finally stopped by a pharmacy later in the afternoon to ask what they recommended for this stubborn cough/stuffed ear and the kind, smiling man in the white coat suggested Sudafed.  I’m game at this point.  I am on my second dose of the day and so far I don’t feel any movement in my plugged ear or soothing to my chest.  I drank more tea, used the silver colloidal drops in my ear and rested a lot again today.  I’m just not used to being sick for this long or in this nagging, not letting up kind of way.

There are spring blossoms popping up everywhere and I can’t wait to take some photos.  I grabbed a quick shot of the pots Emelia and I planted last Sunday with blooms already coming in.  The yellow daffodil popped out while we were at gymnastics today.  Oh the wonders of nature.


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